Sialkot is a city in northeastern Pakistan with 920,000 inhabitants. The city is located in the district of Punjab, close to the border with India. Sialkot is famous for the production of sports goods (cricket bats, football, tennis Sialkot is famous for the production of sports. etc) Sialkot is one of the most populated cities…
Month: July 2020
7. Uranus
Uranus er den 7. planet i solsytemet. Den er langt væk fra solen. Planten blev opdaget af en person ved navn Herschel, det var i 1781. Der er ikke meget sol lys på uranus, der er -215c koldt på Uranus. Den består af: 83 % af brint 15 % af helium 2 % af metan…
6. Saturn
Saturn er kendt som ringernes herre, og er den 6. planet i solsystemet. Det er den anden største planet i vores solsystem. Jupiter er den største planet, i hele solsystemet. Saturn er lavet af gas. Den har helium i sig. Dette er den samme type gas, som du lægger i balloner. Dens ringe består a…
Game: Head Ball 2
I wil recommend you this game “Head ball 2 “. There are 10 stadiums. You can challenge your opponents in Head Ball 2, the most competitive game ever created. Head Ball 2 is a thrilling and fast-paced multiplayer soccer game. Take place in 1v1 online soccer matches against real opponents from all around the world. You can get a new packages and…
Game : Clash Royale
I will recommend you this game “Clash Royale“. There are 12 arena and 10 leagues. The aim of this this game is to win chest and cups. You have cards in one deck & 10 cards. Your enemy and you both have three towns in the middle playing canvas. You have the kings tower; you…
Quiz about Tivoli
Following my quizzes series, I am adding a new quiz about Tovili following.
Interesting facts about Tivoli Gardens Copenhagen
Copenhagen’s Tivoli is an amusement park located in the center of Copenhagen close to the Central Station and Strøget. The park is the world’s second oldest of its kind; only Dyrehavsbakken is older. Tivoli was made by Georg Carstensen, and opened in 1843. It is said that he talked to the king for permission to…